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About Me


I'm Lily, a Bay Area based provider, a lover of earthy pleasures, and a huge sweetheart. I'm a person who prioritizes joy and intimate connection above all else. To me, cultivating joy looks like staying present and open to connection. It's about carving out beauty in our daily lives and sharing it with others, creating ruptures in our routines–even if only for a moment. I do this by dancing as often as possible, spending as much time as I can in nature and challenging myself on a daily basis. I'm passionate about learning new things and expanding my horizons, which makes meeting new people even more exciting. Maybe you'll have something to teach me? For the same reasons, I love traveling the world, learning about different languages and understanding the minutia of different cultures. In addition to English, I speak fluently in Russian and study French.

Don't get the wrong picture, I'm just as much part homebody as I am a lover of exploration. I feel just as happy curled-up on the couch with a cup of tea and a book of poems as I do hiking through the Alps. But regardless of whether I'm taking photographs of waterfalls or baking a pie, the moment is always better along side a lover or a friend. 

Each of us can conjure those moments that burst and melt into bliss. Together, we can make them undeniably real. I hope my playful nature will help bring out yours, allow you to relax, and feel fully embodied in the pleasures we can share. Let's live out our fantasies. 

With Nature being my muse, I imitate her perfect chaos,  keeping things natural and unshaven myself.

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